At Jigsaw, our philosophy is underpinned by Style & Truth: a set of values that allows us to focus on everything that matters. We create products that are made with integrity and finished to the highest standards, with beautiful materials that will last you a lifetime. This means that we value relationships with the people who help us make our collections and we work closely with them to ensure the same principles are applied throughout our Supply Chain.
Jigsaw’s management is committed to foster a culture in which modern slavery is not tolerated in any form and will ensure that all the staff receives adequate training on how to identify and report any suspicious behaviours. When we begin a relationship with a new supplier, we do so following our sourcing principles: we meet all suppliers at Jigsaw Head Office in London or in the country of manufacture; all suppliers must complete a factory profile document; and sign an agreement of compliance to our principles and responsible sourcing Code of Conduct. All new suppliers are then approved by our Head of Production & Sourcing.
The Jigsaw Code of Conduct sets out our policy on supply chain labour and environmental standards, and is based on the Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) base code. Key principles include: employment is freely chosen, child labour shall not be used, living wages are paid, and no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
Jigsaw require its suppliers to engage with SEDEX, our approved audit partners and to become one of its members within one year of initial orders. SEDEX is the world’s leading ethical trade service provider, aiming to improve working conditions in global Supply Chains and setting Supply Chain standards including country-related risk for issues also regarding forced labour, human trafficking and slavery.
Jigsaw’s production, buying and design team has been visiting suppliers on a regular basis to continue building a strong working partnership.
Our Supply Chain consists of 40 suppliers (of which 24 are for RTW and 16 are for Accessories) and 66 factories (of which 35 are for RTW and 31 are for Accessories), all based in over 10 countries incl China, India, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, some of whom we have been working with for 18 years or longer. Our Supply Chain is constantly under review, however, any new supplier we will acquire, will have to follow the above-mentioned steps both with Jigsaw and with SEDEX. We will continue to nurture existing relationships and remain true to our values.